Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Determining Operating Systems and Software Applications...

Determining Operating Systems and Software Applications Business Information Systems BIS320 Determining Operating Systems and Software Applications Since 1955 the McDonald’s Corporation has become the largest and best known fast food franchise in the world. Employing over 1.8 million employees, with over 34,000 restaurants and 5000 franchises worldwide, McDonald’s Corporation serves over 69 million customers a day (McDonalds, 2013). To meet that challenge, McDonald’s Corporation has developed signature software and hardware to maintain operations at a pace known to no other restaurant chain. The operating system and software applications used by McDonald’s restaurants. It will describe how the operating†¦show more content†¦The management Information Systems (MIS) is a system that produces reports. This system assists McDonald’s Corporation in producing reports such as employee schedules and expense reports that allow comparisons to budgets. MIS provides profitability and information to help managers and staffs understand the business performance and plan the future direction (McD Information System, n.d.). Functions of Computer Hardware Components The computer hardware components used in McDonald’s Corporation are PC-POS, tilts with LCD screens, headsets, speakers, keyboards, E-payment machines, and Wi-Fi hotspots. The PC-POS systems allows the employees to clock in/out, take orders, and transfer the orders to the appropriate workstations for employees to process. The PC-POS is used to keep track of the store profits and loss, keep track of funds, verify deposits, placed orders, communicate with other managers and corporate, and reports order times of drive-thru and dining room. The tilts with LCD screens are used to place orders and to store the store profits. The headsets, speakers, and keyboards are used to place and process orders and communicates with customers and employees. E-payment machine are used to process credit cards and debit cards payments. The Wi-Fi hotspots are used by customers while visiting the restaurant. PC-POS isShow MoreRelatedDetermining Operating Systems and Software Applications1115 Words   |  5 PagesDetermining Operating Systems and Software Applications BIS/320 Amazon has made a business of selling a variety media types while also making the reselling of the same media an attractive option. What better way to regain in part what you spent on media interests than to resell it and have money to put towards the next interest. As of 2004 Amazon began running the Linux operating system across the board. Amazon then became one of the largest and well known companies running the LinuxRead MoreIs 310 Ch 1 Assignment Essay816 Words   |  4 PagesGalina Goncharova Professor Pak IS 310 Software and Hardware Concepts Assignment 2 Chapter 1 August 31, 2012 Vocabulary Exercises 1. 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